> A Day At The Races: "Sage Gold"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Sage Gold"

Year in Review.
The 2009 Racing Season came to a close on Saturday. As a racing fan I have some thoughts about how to improve the way the Track operates and showcases their product. I would like to start by saying things have gotten better since the Casino has opened , but if they want people to enjoy the Horse Races and get the most people to see the best they have to offer , they have got to stop running their best races ( BC Derby , Premiers ) at 5 : 30 pm on Sunday afternoon ! The biggest races of the year , they advertise and get decent crowds but by the time the The Derby actually runs at least half the crowd has gone home for Dinner !! Where is the sense in that ? This ties in with my other big complaint. I have been a fan for about 30 yrs and I have always thought they start too late . First race 1 : 25 pm , why ? Most other aft. events start at 12 or 1 pm. If you started at 12 at least your Derby would be run at 4 pm when you still have some spectators. Another thing , stick to 8 - 9 races at the most. 10 races is too much for all but the most hardcore fans and takes you well past Dinner time. To make matters worse at the end of the Season when you're losing the Sun even earlier and it's getting cool outside instead of moving up the starting time up , they start even later at 1 : 50 pm . That just leaves me scratching my head and wondering if even care about the Live Racing Fan. These seem like things that should be obvious to the Management and if they want to improve the Racing Experience for the casual fan ( the hardcore fan will always be there ) they should think about making "A Day At The Races" more convenient for the Fans . One last grump ,the so called legendary "Paddock Grill" SUCKS the service is brutal and I don't know how many years it's been since I got a Hot Dog on a Bun that was even remotely fresh.
Thats it for my rant . I still love the Horses and Jocks that put their lives on the line for our entertainment.
I will still post for as long as the pics last and then we'll use the Standardbreds to get through till next April. Hope you picked a few winners and keep on visiting my site. Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoyed the Pics.


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